Steve B and David Phillips

Please Go Through Everything Before Your Session

Common Questions

1. How do you usually work with clients?

Our mission is to produce a high-ticket brand exposure/awareness enterprise with you, which can be recognized locally, state or nationwide and internationally if you so desire. We achieve this by tailor-making a specific strategy for your business. This allows you to run your business, and focus on what you love, while knowing that you have a skilled team of professionals giving you the constant support and guidance that you need along the way.

The real reason.


Business owners and Franchisees who have chosen to provide a product or service do so believing they have real value to give to others, and that they are seeking the freedom that comes with being their own successful boss.

They become a participant in the sustenance of entrepreneurship, however, they find it hard to maintain the bills, are not sure of tomorrow’s sales figures and struggle with knowing how to obtain a strong flow of new customers.

Being a business owner or Franchisee you do work for yourself. Every decision rests on your shoulders. If you fail, it is because of the decisions you made. You not only have to worry about the business, it is also your staff you may have employed, external to your own family and responsibilities that burdens you. You realize that being your own boss doesn’t add up to tripling your income when you were working for someone else. You now have bills that eat up most of your profits and no one knows who or what your product is all about. You find you’re working more hours than a regular 9-5 job and have little to no return or brand exposure.

When you decided to be your own Boss and own your own business or franchise you did this for more freedom in your life.

Now you are surrounded by heartache, anguish, despair, uncertainty, and disappointment, and are enslaved more than ever before.


To begin changing where you are to where you dream, if not desire to be, the first step is to change how you view your business in comparison to other highly successful million dollars to multi-million dollar businesses or franchises. Those businesses and franchises that have achieved financial freedom have and are continually using the eminence that helps them command the progress of their business or franchise.

Your brand exposure and awareness happens all day, every day and automatically. Your business sales become constant and consistent automatically.

For you, the workload is lifted from your shoulders as your focus is now on keeping supply fit for demand and delivering the excellence of what you offer.

The flow on is planning the expansion and scaling of your business or franchise and have the financial means to make decisions that impact that. No longer are you looking at the greener grass of those more successful. You are now happily watching others enter the gates of your lavish meadows.

In the words of the Beach Boys, “There’s a place called Kokomo, That’s where you wanna go to get away from it all”. What this means is that you will have the power, on your terms, to defy the challenges of running a business. That you, your business, your product or service will be a SUCCESS STORY and that you could choose how, when and where you will have an afternoon delight, cocktails and moonlit nights or the bliss of tropical contact high.

You’ll have 4X increased sales without working as hard as you were.

Your raving loyal fans will be your own walking, talking billboards of continued growth you as you will be able to take a well-deserved holiday knowing that your business is thriving on its own without you having to do the hard yards to keep it alive and running.

Your business, product, service or brand will be known locally, state or nationwide or globally if you so desire, as it and you become the dominating leader in your industry.

You will become the Powerhouse BLOCKBUSTER star as sponsors and investors will be knocking at your door to get a piece of your BLOCKBUSTER product or service.

You will become validated and loved by millions if not billions as you become the next Colonel Sanders or Sir Richard Branson of your own business, brand, product or service.


My life changed when I discovered how powerful storytelling really is. By implementing the techniques rooted in the art of storytelling it allowed me to produce some of the best and well-renowned events which grew the number of events I did per year allowing me to reach financial freedom in a very short time span. My business had a life of its own.

It took me 15 years to understand and establish the S.T.O.R.Y proprietary blend.

With sincere confidence, I can now offer you the same strategic advantage that I developed. My team of creative experts will tailor make the S.T.O.R.Y of your brand to a level of greatness and will be with you every step of the way in its production to your success and we will do this for you and with your participation.

To begin this amazing business journey to the ultimate financial freedom and success, you must first remember that you are always one decision away from having a totally different business experience, and make the conscious decision to answer the phone when our event managers call you.

2. What can I expect from the call?

At our introduction we undertake our unique inception that allows us to discover the “truth” as we both obtain clarity on what is and isn’t working for you and your business. A discussion occurs of what your goals, aspirations and desires are with regards to your business, brand, product or service. Based on our mutual collaboration we determine if our proprietary blend of film and theater program (aka S.T.O.R.Y) is right for you and your business. Given that all stories validate us, they connect us and emotionally charge us. In conclusion the reality is that no business, let alone a brand can exist without a story. And that says it all.

3. Who are Steve B and David Phillips?

Steve B and David Phillips have always dreamt to be successful in the film and theater industry. From a very young age, although worlds apart they began their own business ventures producing many acclaimed performances and feature films. Using the skills and expertise they acquired through the many decades in the broadcasting and media industry they turned their love for storytelling into a Global Hit and Enterprise.

Following a successful career in Film, Theater and Entertainment there was a realization after the most recent pandemic in 2020 that every person and business had a story to tell and no one could hear or see them. In late 2021 Steve paired up with David Phillips to build what they call the SBC for all sized businesses. This strategic program allows all business owners and franchisees to have their product, service or brand be told to and heard by millions of people at a fraction of the cost of what traditional advertising is.

They have worked with people at many levels of society, from your friendly neighbor to Hollywood Celebrities and Billionaires, such as Microsoft’s own Bill Gates. Every person they have worked with has benefited from their expertise.

Since conception Iconic Productions grew to having over 58 employed workers and over 800 contractors worldwide. Since the beginning of the millennium they have produced in excess of 100,000 EVENTS, and have had over 4.6 BILLION views of their work.


Show Trailer Commercial as seen on Foxtel: 

The Power of Story Telling and It’s Competitive Edge: 

Steve B: LinkedIn Profile: 

David Phillips LinkedIn Profile: 

Our Credibility – People Who We Worked With: 

The Story of Mulwala as seen on our Foxtel TV Program: 

Our Tiktok Channel: 

Our YouTube Channel: 

A close up Interview with Steve B:

Some People We’ve Worked With

Ali M.

Program Manager/ToyFair

“Steve & David were amazing”

“The staff were hard-working, professional, strategic, fun, diligent, and had outstanding customer service and excellent client support, experts in their field, would highly recommend them for every program and/or event.”

Rafael M.

Event Supervisor/Colonial Theater

“Working with them was a great experience”

“It makes a huge difference when you have an event company that are thorough, organized, and efficient.”

Mina B.

Business Owner/Smooth Operator

“They were really easy to talk to and understood our needs 100% and asked all the right questions”

“David and Steve came to see me and they were really great to meet. They were really easy to talk to and understood our needs 100% and asked all the right questions. Really glad we reached out to them and took that first step. They are the best, honest and really true experts of what they talk about.”

Ali M.

Program Manager/ToyFair

“Steve & David were amazing”

“The staff were hard-working, professional, strategic, fun, diligent, and had outstanding customer service and excellent client support, experts in their field, would highly recommend them for every program and/or event.”

Rafael M.

Event Supervisor/Colonial Theater

“Working with them was a great experience”

“It makes a huge difference when you have an event company that are thorough, organized, and efficient.”

Mina B.

Business Owner/Smooth Operator

“They were really easy to talk to and understood our needs 100% and asked all the right questions”

“David and Steve came to see me and they were really great to meet. They were really easy to talk to and understood our needs 100% and asked all the right questions. Really glad we reached out to them and took that first step. They are the best, honest and really true experts of what they talk about.”

Dina M.

Business Owner/Odyssey Restaurant

“These two people transported me and my business back to the Australian gold fields in the late 1800s. The story line was clever, creative, informative and funny. The set props looked authentic and my restaurant has never been so busy”

“A true testament of their brilliance and excellence was in the 70 customers who paid more at the end to see the cast and gave tips to our staff. There was so much laughter and engagement in my store that I (along with the customers) didn’t want it to come to an end. The adults and their children appeared to have really enjoyed what they did and I am confident that I will have repeat business from my customers who loved what they watched in the video they made and then how they transformed my restaurant and I will be asking them to return in the future. In fact since the video, I am booked out for 3 months right now. Never happened before. Thank You. I highly recommend them to all my friends who have businesses and also to all businesses who need brand exposure in a really unique way. Sincerely, Dina Martinis.”

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